Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mulago Hospital Patients Go On Strike

This is an article published in February in the Uganda Online paper...  Unbelievable...

Patients in Mulago Strike over Neglect and Lack of Drugs Hospital

Mulago hospital patients have striked over lack of treatment and medicine in the hospital. They have moved their beds outside on the verandas of the hospital to let the world know of their despair.

Yesterday, patients with spinal injuries decided enough was enough and moved their beds to the verandah in a bid to seek recognition from the doctors who had ignored them completely. Many of them claimed that they had become poor since they have to pay for their stay in the hospital and spend a lot of money to sustain them in the hospital.

Many of them say they require surgery while others require immediate attention. The hospital came to a standstill as doctors rushed urgent cases to be attended to. One of those striking said her husband had died from the hospital due to lack of attention from the doctors. After getting involved in a motorcycle accident, he was taken to Mulago to get medical attention. "...we were admitted her for four months. his body had begun rotting. Doctors recommended and operation but nothing was done," she said.

Several others who had the same case looked on as the hospital got disorganized. Those requiring surgery said they had waited too long and now would be the best time to get it as so promised. Baterana Byarugaba, acting deputy executive director blamed the situation on lack of enough anesthesiologists who help in putting the patients to sleep before the operation and at the same time monitors their breathing as the operation goes on.

Baterana said out of the required 40 anesthesiologists at the hospital, only 7 are available yet 3 of these are attached to the Makerere University Medical School leaving only 5 available anesthesiologists. He went on to explain the rest to be diploma holders who can not be trusted to take care of the life of the patients.

"Because of specialized services, we offer in an attempt to achieve our mandate, mission an vision, the hospital requires a lot of man power," Baterana added. Mulago Referral Hospital is a government hospital which is directly under the supervision of the government. It (governement) is supposed to provide medicine, manpower and any other thing that is important to the patients.

Failure to do so has led to the strike which has seen the disorganization in the hospital currently. Upon learning of the situation, a spectator who was on the verge of tears said, "Imagine that life, they are injecting money in the campaigns yet there are people suffering and on the verge of death.

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