Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am a child in Africa

Life in Africa is a struggle for anyone but the life of a child is even harder.

Imagine, growing up in a world where you lack the very basics in life, food, clean water, medicine, shelter, safety, a bed of your own. Beyond that, there are no toys, no dolls, no soccer balls, no sweets and treats, at best, a bed of reeds to sleep on.

School would be wonderful to attend, the path out of poverty, but there is no money for school fees, so you stay home and wait for a miracle, but for most there is none, life is simply survival, staying alive.

Death is very common to you (20% of Africa's children do not reach the age of six). Life is hard, and yet, most of the world is unaware of your plight or of any of Africa's children. They are amongst the voiceless of the world, needing others to speak on their behalf. .

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